vic gundotra google post

Hold on, could Vic Gundotra’s Google+ posts be pointing to some announcements TODAY?

Just when we thought that we finally have a date for the Nexus 5 release, thanks to @evleaks, Google’s Vic Gundotra couldn’t help but tease us with a couple of posts that makes it difficult not to read too much into it.

Vic took to Google+ late on Sunday night, Pacific time, to say “Can’t sleep. Always happens to me on Sunday nights. Yes working at Google is that exciting”. Doesn’t sound like too much, but an hour later he adds another post, this time asking Android, Chrome and Google Apps SVP Sundar Pichai if he was struggling, too. That has got to mean something, right?

Remember, the first post states “always happens to me on Sunday nights”, so this could just be a very casual post. But the timing certainly has me suspicious. Or maybe just hopeful. Remember, with a possible SMS-integration into Hangouts, we should probably see Vic as part of the announcement too since he leads the Google+ efforts.

Hurry up already, Google!

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