CyanogenMod 10.2 nightlies head to Verizon’s LG G2


Waiting for CyanogenMod to head to the Verizon variant of the LG G2? Well, you’re in luck — it’s happening! The current files going up on CyanogenMod’s mirror are nightlies, though, which is something you might not want to mess with if you aren’t willing to put up with possible bugs here and there. The 208 megabyte download can be flashed to any rooted, bootloader-unlocked device with a custom recovery.

Of course, whether you should sacrifice some of the G2’s most unique features to get a taste of one of the most popular ROMs around is a decision you’ll have to make on your own. If things like LG KnockOn, Q-Slide and the SlideAside user interface are important to you, know that you will lose these things as a result of flashing an AOSP-based ROM.

That said, if you’re comfortable with going through with this whole thing, you can find the download over at Get.CM. Less adventurous souls might prefer to wait until beta, milestone or stable releases are made available, but as with any CyanogenMod release — there’s no ETA on the OTA.

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