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Mobile Roar Podcast: Galaxy Round is strange, new iPads incoming, and Joe suffers from blue screens

Aside from talking about the biggest news stories from the week on the Mobile Roar Podcast, we also had some technical difficulties. We’ll blame that on Joe and Windows 8, in which case the “blue screen of death” claimed another victim. But don’t worry, we were able to get things up and running and in this week’s podcast we talk about the silly (or awesome?) Samsung Galaxy Round, dual-booting HTC devices, iPhones, and the upcoming iPad refresh.


Win and Fail of the Week

Thanks for listening. Follow us on Twitter and send us your comments or questions to podcast[at]mobileroar[dot]com.

Joe Fedewa (@jayzeroeee) –
Chris Chavez (@GamerCore) –
Kevin Krause (@youdontknowkev) –
Edgar Cervantes (@Tech_Sasquatch) –


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