A series of unfortunate events recently forced Jean-Baptiste Quéru (former AOSP lead) into an uncomfortable corner. JBQ resigned his position at Google, but that does not mean his formidable career is ending. His known talent and personality has found a new home at a competing company – Yahoo.
This situation proved to be very disheartening for JBQ. Especially after working so long in this project and the whole world putting this situation in his shoulders. He had no power to change this, and so decided to leave for greener pastures.
With this in mind, it only makes sense that Yahoo would try to snatch Jean-Baptiste Quéru while they can. He would be a great addition to the team, especially with his experience in mobile. We do not know exactly what he will be doing at Yahoo, but we would be willing to be its related to the improvements in Yahoo’s mobile presence.
What will Jean-Baptiste Quéru be doing at Yahoo? We can only wonder. We won’t speculate too much on this, but we will definitely keep an ear open for more information. You can be sure you will be the first to know, so stick around to see what Jean-Baptiste Quéru’s next projects are!
Yahoo probably just appreciates JBQ’s experience and vision and wants to see how much further him and Mayer will take Yahoo.