kitkat galaxy s4

Nokia makes fun of Android 4.4 KitKat on Twitter

Well, isn’t this quite the bold statement? Apparently, Nokia has had themselves a little chuckle over Google calling the next version of their mobile operating system “Android 4.4 KitKat.” That name was dropped on us just a couple of days ago, with Google and the company behind the chocolaty treat going as far as running a contest, creating Android shaped KitKat bars, and erecting a huge statue of it on building 42’s lawn.

To commemorate the event, Nokia’s German Twitter account posted a Tweet with a photo of a Samsung Galaxy S4 being broken in half, telling folks that it’s OK to “have a break.” The gory photo was almost too much to stomach. And that break looks a bit too clean — it’s almost as if someone took a chainsaw to the poor thing.

It’s yet another move in a long string of childish antics by Nokia, who has seemed almost desperate to gain some buzz for their Lumia line. For starters, they showed up with big golf signs at Samsung’s Ativ S launch event “welcoming” them back to the Windows side, and even had the nerve to block a massive Samsung billboard ground ad with a truck that featured an ad for a Lumia 1020.

It seems that Nokia is the biggest joke here, with the company struggling to gain relevance in the competitive smartphone market. Nokia has decided to do its bidding with Windows, but it wasn’t until this past week that the company was 100% committed to that. They agreed to sell off their devices and services business to Microsoft for an as-yet undisclosed amount.

It remains to be seen whether or not Nokia’s new found ownership will do anything to help their chances up against the seemingly unstoppable machines known as Android and iOS. One thing’s for sure, though — it seems every move the competition makes seems to keep Nokia up a bit too late some nights. Take a look at the damning photo above.

[via The Verge]

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