
CellRox hands-on: turning your personal and business phones into one

Isn’t it horribly annoying having to deal with owning multiple phones? This is an issue most people face when they have to deal with a company phone and a personal phone. We dream of being able to use one device for both personal and enterprise, but security matters won’t allow us… at least until CellRox came into the picture.

CellRox has a solution that would be great for businesses. The reason why most IT departments don’t allow business phones and personal phones to be mixed is security. What CellRox does is flash a custom software into devices.

This software divides your personal life and work matters in a great way. You can see in the video how simple it is possible to switch between “Personas” (profiles). These Personas work completely separate. One can have all the apps of choice in the personal one, while the IT department at your place of employment can control the other.

In fact, CellRox mentions one can even put malware and keyloggers into the personal profile and the business Persona would stay completely unaffected.

It is possible to have up to 4 Personas, so the feature is not limited to just personal and work profiles. You can let your imagination run and create social, gaming or any other kind of profile. Pretty sweet, right? Fun and safe!

Sadly, though, this is not something any person can start using. Your employer has to adopt it and support it. But maybe it’s a good service to bring to your IT department’s attention! I know I would love to have something like this!

We will be reviewing this phone software in the near future, so stay tuned to hear more on CellRox. Meanwhile, you can let us know if this type of service would be something you would enjoy to have. We are sure many of you are tired of carrying multiple phones.

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