
Android 4.4 KitKat is officially the next version of Android

We all know that Android version numbers are named in alphabetical order after desserts. We had Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jellybean… and now Android Kit Kat?

In a Google+ post announcing Android’s 1 billion activation achievement, Sundar Pichai – the new head of both Android and Chrome – posted the above picture of a “KitKat” statue outside the famed building 44 on Google’s campus.

Is Android KitKat really the next version of the Android operating system? It sure is.

Google has never named a version of their OS after a trademarked brand. No Hershey. No Krispy Kreme. No Ben & Jerry’s. Google’s names have always been generic names of dessert categories.

Everyone has been calling the “K” version of Android “Key Lime Pie” for quite awhile now. Google has always been a more playful company, known for their Google Search Doodles and zany April Fools Day jokes, so initially there was debate whether the image was authentic or a hoax. But make no mistake about it… Google Android 4.4 KitKat is official.

Android 4.4 Kit Kat is official

They’re even partnering with Nestle on a contest: you could win a Nexus 7 tablet or Google Play Store credit on specially marked Kit Kat candy bars. Pretty cool!

That page scrolls down to discuss all the different versions of Android and their importance. For Android KitKat it says “It’s our goal with Android KitKat to make an amazing Android experience available for everybody.”

We’re not surprised that Android KitKat is 4.4 instead of version 5. Lately, Google has been more iterative than revolutionary, thanks much in part to the maturation of the platform. Bringing Android to as many people as possible sounds very iterative, unless we’re in for an outrageous surprise by seeing Android on even more types of devices.

So what do think? Do you like the name Android KitKat? Given they’re hoping to make it “available for everybody”, what do you think that says about potential 4.4 announcements and updates?

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