
Verizon officially unveils Verizon Edge early upgrade program, available August 25th


Like every other big carrier in America seems to be doing lately, Verizon has announced an early upgrade program that its consumers can use to get new smartphones faster than they would normally be able to. Those who want to take advantage will need to sign-up for month-to-month service from the get-go, where they can then choose a smartphone to pay off over the course of 24 months. The plan features:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Verizon’s language was a bit iffy on other requirements, with the last line of its announcement stating the plan would be “available to customers on Share Everything plans starting August 25th.” That makes it sound as if those with grandfathered plans will be blocked out of the deal. We also don’t know if a trade-in is required. The press release didn’t mention anything about it, but we’ve reached out to Verizon to get some clarification.

Unfortunately, no real “fine print” exists just yet, so if there’s anything else to this new program we don’t know what it is just yet. It sounds pretty decent early on if you don’t mind the requirement of going with month-t0-month service and possibly being forced into a Share Everything plan, though we won’t pop champagne and drop streamers until we’ve been able to gather more info about it. How do you feel it stacks up to AT&T Next and T-Mobile JUMP! from what you’ve heard so far?

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