
T-Mobile ad pokes fun at AT&T’s lengthened upgrade period, hints counter-punch for Wednesday announcement

In case you’ve forgotten, T-Mobile is supposed to be in New York City this Wednesday (that’s tomorrow, folks) to announce some of their “boldest moves yet.” We weren’t sure what that meant when invites were first being issued, but some newly-leaked print ads the company is planning to publish give us an early hint of what we can expect to see them focus on.

For starters, the carrier is going right back after ex-lover AT&T’s throats in response to the latter’s move of extending upgrade periods from 20 months into the contract to a full 24 months.

AT&T’s big news: now you get to wait even longer. Wait, what?

This Wednesday, see how your long wait can end.

Interesting. We don’t want to assume too much just yet, but it sounds like T-Mobile could be gearing up to offer incentives for anyone not satisfied with their contract with rival carriers. Offering bill credits to take care of leaving another carrier isn’t a new practice, but that usually happens few and far between, and for very limited amounts of time. It sounds like whatever T-Mobile is cooking up could be a permanent change.or

Another theory is that T-Mobile could be giving customers an easier way to upgrade faster without having to pay the full cost of their old phone at the time of getting the new one. I could definitely see Magenta allowing customers to simply tack on the monthly installments of their new phone and allow customers to continue paying for both phones’ installments simultaneously.

Of course, I could be completely off the mark and it could be something totally different. Regardless, T-Mobile’s big, bad and bold demeanor as of late gives us reason to believe that there will be nothing to sneeze at. We’ll be covering their announcements live so don’t forget to make your way back here to find out what, exactly, T-Mobile has up its sleeve.

[via TmoNews]

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