
Taylor Swift ports Android 4.3 “Google Play edition” to Sony Xperia Z — No, really

Chatting it up on Twitter, I noticed a conversation between my peers that Android 4.3 has been successfully ported to just about every phone on the planet, with, oddly enough, the exception of the Nexus 4. This was more or less confirmed after hitting up XDA and discovering an Android 4.3 ROM running on the Sony Xperia Z.

The port — still extremely beta — is being handled by none other than Taylor_Swift (not that Taylor Swift… I don’t think) and while these builds aren’t being built from source, thanks to leaked Google Play edition system dumps, they’ve found a home on many GSM devices such as the Sony Xperia Z. One of the sexier Android devices on the market, the Google Play edition ROM transforms the device into the Robin Thicke of Android devices thanks to a stock Android experience, and a few bugs.

Most issues involved in the ROM can be fixed by flashing a simple zip file (root), or by removing and reinstalling an app or two (Chrome). Nothing too difficult for your average ROM flashing addict. Anyone with an Xperia Z manage to get this ROM up and running on their device?

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