The Redbox Instant app was quite decent when it first launched a while back, but one glaring issue caused folks to 1-star it into oblivion — it blocked rooted users from using the service. Yours truly was affected, flabbergasted that a service I’d just paid $8 for couldn’t work on my phone just because I’d decided to root. The solution was easy, of course — just disable SU whenever you want to use the app — but it’s not something that should have to be done.
Well, you can finally put those pitchforks down and give it another shot as the company has released an update that changes the way it handles rooted devices. The specifics of the change weren’t given, but all we care about is that we’re finally able to watch our content without having to trick the app into thinking our devices aren’t rooting. If that was the only thing holding you back from enjoying the service you’ll want to grab the upgrade as soon as you can from the Google Play Store.