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Digg Reader aims to fill the void Google Reader will make once it dies in two weeks

Google Reader is dying, folks — that much isn’t new. Folks have been scrambling to find replacements for the web-based RSS reader, and many have settled on the beautiful experience Feedly provides (a vast majority of you voted on it as the new goto service for RSS-reading needs in our poll). Feedly isn’t the only one out there looking to rope in a new customer base thanks to Google’s termination of the popular feed reading service, though. Digg wants to extend its natural news-oriented roots by offering up an RSS reader of its own.

Simply dubbed “Digg Reader,” the team has been hard at work building a refugee camp for those of us who prefer a simple, web-based, easy to use RSS client. The launch will go down at some point next week, which will give users ample time to migrate their Google Reader feeds over to the service (a feature Digg promises will be available to us).

Of course, nothing quite beat the mobile app for Google Reader, as well. Thankfully, Digg hasn’t forgotten about the importance of that element. While we won’t be getting an Android version of the app right at launch, Digg put development of said app at the very top of their list of things to tackle within the two months following launch. Here’s everything the team says they absolutely want to make sure they get right within those first 60 days:

They always want to get a good head start on the following important features:

Digg also mentioned that support for Pocket and Instapaper would be available at launch, with more to come down the line. The service will be free to start, though Digg did mention they would eventually like to go toward a “freemium” model at some point in the future.

Worry not, though, as everything that will launch for free will remain free for the life of the service. We imagine the paid goods will add extra things that power uses might appreciate more than others, and you know what? We don’t have a problem with that, at all. We’re looking forward to seeing what Digg can whip up in the very near future.

[via Digg]

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