google now day mountains

Download these Google Now backgrounds as wallpapers for your phone, tablet or PC!

If you’re like me and you really enjoy the clean art style of the Google Now background images you see popping up, you’ve probably wondered where you can get some of that stuff as a wallpaper. Well, the sly sleuths of Reddit have tracked down the man responsible for helping create those backgrounds, and the wallpapers are sitting on his Flickr account for all the world to sink their teeth into.

For now, there are two night scenes up — beach and forest — and two day scenes — mountains and plains — for you to grab. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like any of the city-specific skyline backgrounds are up on his Flickr, but we’d obviously be jumping for a few of those cool ones, as well. Check the wallpapers out above and below, and be sure to check out the rest of the brilliant work on Brent Couchman’s Flickr account if you enjoy his work on these Google Now masterpieces.

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