Jay-Z Magna Carta Holy Grail album free (72 hours in advance) for Samsung Galaxy owners

The below Samsung commercial, first aired during Game 5 of the NBA Playoffs, plays more like a mini Jay-Z documentary and includes the #MagnaCarta hash tag, pushing people to visit MagnaCartaHolyGrail.com.

On the actual website, you learn that the album will be available 72 hours in advance for up to 1 million Samsung Galaxy customers. More specifically, the Samsung Galaxy S3, S4, and Note 2. A related app will be available on June 24th and the actual album will be available on July 4th at 12:01AM Eastern.

The app will only be downloadable through the Android App, which we assume is the method they’ll use to limit downloads.

Samsung has a few other new Galaxy products in the pipeline including the Galaxy S4 Zoom, but it doesn’t appear these new devices will be included in the offer. That may suggest these new devices will not yet be available by the June 24th or even July 4th launch of the Magna Carta Holy Grail Jay-Z album. I’m a huge Jay-Z fan and am outrageously excited for the Galaxy S4 Zoom, so I’m hoping to get in on this action.

Samsung must have dropped a huge amount of money on the advertising spot, lasting 3+ minutes. There was no branding in the commercial itself, instead focusing on Jay-Z making music and commentating, with some guest appearances by artists and producers most likely featured on the album.

Can you name the other artists spotted? In honor of father’s day, I’ve got to give a shout out to my dad who correctly identified the white bearded dude as Rick Rubin.

And just because we like to keep this bad boy alive, check out the OG Android song from yours truly:

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