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AT&T blocking Hangouts video over cellular (and how to bypass it with root)

The world (well, most of us, anyway) rejoiced when Google launched its new Hangouts app, but it looks like some AT&T customers are being forced to put up with a nasty snag. The carrier appears to be effectively blocking access to the app’s video chat feature while connected to its cellular network. Video chats will only work when you’re on a WiFi connection.

It’s nothing new from Ma Bell — they put the same clamps on iPhone’s FaceTime feature when it first came out. You might be relieved to know that the restriction was eventually lifted. While we await word from AT&T on whether or not they’ll do the same for Android, you’re probably wondering how you can get past this nuisance yourself. Thankfully, there’s a way.

It requires root, but that’s easy enough to obtain. And if this feature is important enough for you to consider rooting your device be sure to check out the All Things Root section for your specific device over at Once you’ve done that, be sure to follow the easy peasy instructions listed below, courtesy of Google+ user Mark Dobson.

1.Get SQLight editor from the market
2. Get Root Explorer from the market.
3. use Root Explorer to browse to /data/data/ and click on it
4. then click on “main”
5. Scroll down to gtalk_vc_wifi_only – highlight and hold
6. Press “Edit Record” and change the “value” to false instead of true
7. Reboot

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]

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