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AT&T’s “It Can Wait” campaign gets big with Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile joining the cause

AT&T has been fully committed to helping folks keep the road safe by preaching the importance of not texting (or using your phone in most other capacities, really) while driving. It has done this through reporting findings of researches and studies proving how unsafe texting and driving can be, promoting the use of hands-free accessories to make calls while driving (if only absolutely necessary), and sharing the story of those who have taken the It Can Wait pledge for one reason or another.

Well, it’s much bigger than AT&T now — the rest of America’s three biggest carriers have joined up with Ma Bell to drive the point home. That’s right, AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, and Sprint are all teaming up with more than 200 other organizations worldwide to advertise the importance of keeping your eyes on the road.

The partnership will include a multi-million dollar ad campaign that will span the summer months, with special emphasis being put on Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends (otherwise known as some of the deadliest days on the road).

The four will also travel the country in an advertising tour to get the texting-while-driving simulator in stores, an experience that gives consumers a safe way to see how difficult it is to drive while texting, and what dangers that imposes on both yourself and others. Major retailers like Best Buy and RadioShack will prominently display the message in their stores. Clear Channel Media will send the message out over the radio through over 500 different stations.

There’s a lot more than that being put into this thing. You know it’s serious when the carriers work together toward a common goal, so head to the It Can Wait website, listen to the stories, see the statistics, and pledge to the cause. You can find the full details of the entire campaign by reading through the press release at AT&T’s site.

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