
Paranoid Android custom ROM to introduce Chat Head-like notification and multitasking system


Paranoid Android Chat Heads

If there was ever 1 single you reason you needed to root your Android device, Paranoid Android is it. The innovative custom ROM has been tweaking the Android interface in ways many never thought possible. Their latest addition? Chat Heads. Sorta.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

I’ll just go ahead and say it: Chat Heads are arguably the coolest thing to happen to Android in quite awhile. I suspected that Google would implement something similar in Key Lime Pie, and while we wait for the next version of Android to see if that’s even remotely true, the custom ROM developers at Paranoid Android have already hit the ground running with their own implementation… only better.

Where as Chat Heads are a uniquely Facebook thing, only appearing when you receive a Facebook Message, Paranoid Android is looking to bring them to all notifications. Think of it as an ongoing notification ticker that appears everywhere. If you receive an email, it’ll show up in the small halo notification. Skype message? Same way. Clicking on the halo notification will pull up all your recent notifications and because of Paranoid Android’s new way of multitasking, users can pull up apps while still in another, never losing your place or bothering with a reload (much the same way Chat Heads work on Facebook Messenger). It’s a little something like this:

Now, it’s all becoming clear. Just when you thought Android as a mobile OS couldn’t get any better, any more innovative, some developers across the pond somewhere throw together something truly brilliant. Now, if you’ll excuse me. I’ll be busy rooting my Nexus 4 and Oppo Find 5 in preparation of Paranoid Android’s upcoming update. Cheers.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Chris…Just how many devices do you own and use on a regular basis?

    1. I mostly line up all my devices on the floor, and slide my naked body across the Gorilla Glass like a Slip n’ Slide.

      But when I’m not doing that, out of my Galaxy Note 2, Optimus G, Nexus 4 and various tablets, the HTC One Developer Edition is my daily driver.

      1. Silicone or water based O_O. Just saying. But DAMN. That’s a lot of hardware lol. Must be nice working for phandroid :D

        1. I go in dry, bro. O_o

      2. AHAHAHA! You kill me, Chris.

      3. Finally! The naked truth about that shattered N4! Car gear shifter my ass!

      4. chris,
        i have a nexus 4 and s3 and iphone 4s, and im debating getting the HTC one.

        My only concern is the camera, and the battery life (although morpho juice has been released for it. )

        would appreciate your input.

        also when you slp n slide on gorilla glass, do you use an ass protector or does the screen protector help.


        1. LOL! No protection. :P

          Also, the camera is awesome on the One. Everyone I know comments on how amazing the pictures turn out (don’t believe the nay sayers — none of them have used it).

          As far as battery life, I’m pushing out 18 hours after using power saver mode (it clocks down the CPU a bit).

          Really, if those are your only concerns about the One I’d say most definitely — GET IT. :)

          1. I wish that Verizon wasn’t so picky…I’d like to own an HTC One without jumping ship, I still have unlimited data so I’m not ready to leave just yet.

    2. He has a full deck. Complete with iPhone joker.
      I’ve heard he and the other Phandroid staff get together for poker on Tuesdays.

  2. Thus developer brings quality and looks to his ROMS and Android as a whole

  3. Gotta love PA. That feature isn’t probably one I’ll use but I’m definitely eager to flash the one with windowed stuff after finals.

  4. saw this the other day. glad to know this will be apart of it. now we just need cm10 or a port of the latest paranoid android today for the htc one.

  5. Awesome idea, a true unified messaging finally brought to life

  6. Looks like I need to get me a Nexus 4.

    1. Just be careful…. there are a lot of different choices, I’m always flashing a different ROM and they are all good.

  7. Terrible ROM

    1. Are you the one going around downvoting everyone? >:O

      1. Ummm… No! Ok ok it was me, lol that obvious huh?

  8. This is why Apple’s proprietary model was doomed as soon as the real geniuses at Google decided that open source was the way to go.

    1. That was part 1. This is the part 2 where it all comes together and makes sense. :)

      1. I love a good trilogy though :D ps: I’m looking forward to your review of google glass

  9. What is that theme??
    With the square icons and all?

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