Official: AT&T Samsung Galaxy S4 in-store release date set for April 27th

While pre-orders for the AT&T Samsung Galaxy S4 went live back on April 16th, we’ve all been waiting around for an actual release date. Moments ago AT&T revealed via their Twitter account that the device will be officially available in stores and online starting on April 27th. For those wondering, Sprint will also have theirs available on the 27th, while T-Mobile gets theirs a little earlier on the 24th. As for Verizon, expect it sometime in May.

For those looking to upgrade their aging Samsung Galaxy S2 or 3’s, the 4 will be come in either Black Mist or White Frost and 2 storage options: 16GB for $200 or 32GB for $250. Pre-orderers are expected to receive theirs as early as April 25th (although now AT&T is showing 30th for late comers), as so often is the case for early birds. Who’s getting one?

[AT&T Samsung Galaxy S4]

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