
Amazon buys Siri competitor Evi, could hint at smartphone plans


Amazon might be showing a bit of their hand after acquiring natural language search companion Evi. The Siri-like voice search app and the company behind cost the retail giant $26 million, according to reports. Though the company’s specific plans for the Evi are not known, the takeover could hint at functionality to be included in the rumored upcoming Amazon smartphone.

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Rumors of an Amazon-made smartphone have persisted since before the launch of the original Kindle Fire. more recently, chatter has risen to a level that suggests the release of such a device could occur during the second half of this year. Integrating Evi’s voice search capabilities would offer Amazon a direct avenue to compete with the likes of Siri and Google Now.

As for the apps current status, it remains available for both iOS and Android devices. Whether or not it disappears from the respective app stores could shed more light on Amazon’s plans.

[via TechCrunch]

Kevin Krause
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  1. I can see it now –

    USER: Evi – will it rain today?
    EVI: People who ask about the weather might be interested in this selection of umbrellas…

    1. Pretty sure this will happen… Because what other reason would Amazon ditch Google Now , since it is better than any other competition? (S-Voice, Siri, etc.) Amazon definitely wants to put product placement with searches on Evi.

      1. Can’t stand S-Voice!

  2. I tried the software and it sucks… Google Now is SO much better…
    User: Evi – where is the closest Firehouse Subs
    Evi: Would you like to search the web for Fire Subs?

  3. EVI..L

  4. I want one of these cute search companions to talk dirty.

  5. Has the news slowed down on this site as of late?

    1. There just hasn’t been a lot of things going on, One was reviewed and some say released, S4 was announced and not yet reviewed by many. Wait for Google I/O, upcoming reviews/comparisons including S4 and One, and soon to be announced Moto X. Since most manufacturers are trying to streamline their offerings, there just isnt that many phone offerings, reviews and rumors like there used to.

  6. Go 4 it the more the better4 us suckers!

  7. I swear, if you buy your phone for voice capabilities, you’re buying it for the wrong reason. Tell me how often you actually use it. I think I used Google Now about once a month just to show it off. Then again, iSheep might actually use it a lot. I wouldn’t know.

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