
ITC Judge finds Samsung guilty of infringing on Apple’s text-selection patent in preliminary ruling

It’s never over til the fat lady sings and in the case of Samsung vs Apple, ain’t nobody singing. An International Trade Commission judge has ruled that Samsung is in violation of yet another Apple patent, this time dealing with the “method and apparatus for providing translucent images on a computer display.” Yeah, because that’s not vague at all. Apparently, Samsung is infringing on the patent with their text selection feature and even UI elements found inside their photo gallery app.

And just like 2 Live Crew, Samsung could once again find a few of their devices (Galaxy, Nexus, etc.) banned in the USA. Keep in mind this is only a preliminary ruling and subject to review where a final decision will be made in August. Samsung has more than enough time to start selling their S4 like hot cakes before then. If it’s any consolation, Samsung did make out like a bandit on another patent that was struck down dealing with a device recognizing if a microphone is plugged into a device’s 3.5mm headphone jack.

[via Reuters]


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