
Amazon’s smartphone to have 4.7 inch display?

Amazon has been rumored to be bringing out a smartphone for a very long time. Nothing has come to fruition yet, but that rumor just won’t die. The latest in the mill comes from DigiTimes, who has reason to believe that Amazon’s smartphone will come with a 4.7 inch display. It isn’t the typical 5-inch+ monster we’re used to hearing about these days, but Amazon isn’t particularly typical.

According to the source, Amazon was originally going to go with a 4.3 inch display, but decided against it once the market began showing interest for even bigger display sizes. A 4.3 inch phone seems tiny in this day and age, but a 4.7-inch display — despite being flanked by 5-inch options from other major competitors — would be a very reasonable balance between size and usability.

History shows Amazon isn’t into getting the biggest, most powerful, most tricked out devices onto the market. No, its goal is to deliver a functional device that you can use to consume all your digital books, music, movies, and apps and games from the Amazon Appstore.

It’s reported that Amazon wants to have this device out in Q2 this year, but some issues with the manufacturing process at Foxconn might prevent that from happening. We’ve heard it all before, really, and while we’re happy Amazon was able to launch a successful line of tablet products we’re starting to get antsy for the phone. Let’s hope 2013 is kinder to the online retailer.

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