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#ifihadglass results are in — check to see if you made the bill for a pair of Google Glass

A few weeks ago, Google revealed that it would be opening its Glass Explorers program up to everyday individuals. While anyone could apply for a chance to own a pair, not everyone would get first dibs on it. Two different barriers prevented anyone and everyone from participating:

  1. You had to apply for the chance by showing Google what you would do if you had a pair using the #ifihadglass hashtag.
  2. You had to be wealthy enough to drop $1,500 on the units ahead of the retail launch.

A lot of people didn’t have an issue with those two bits, so a lot of people applied and the results are finally in. Google will be sending out invitations to the individuals who made it over the next few days.

Note that they will be sending the invitation to you through Tweets and Google+ depending on how/where you signed up, so keep an eye out on your accounts through both channels to make sure you don’t miss out. If you don’t happen to get one before the weekend is over, well, perhaps it just wasn’t meant to be. Did any of you sign up?

[via Google+]

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