htc next big flip

HTC calls the Galaxy S4 the “Next Big Flop” — do you agree?

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The crowd seems to be split in the Galaxy S4 race — some are delighted about what Samsung’s brought to the table, and are looking forward to purchasing this thing. Others seem vastly underwhelmed, and were hoping for something a bit more. You guys are raging on in the comments section and responding to our poll with haste, but one major competitor decided to chime in with a rather boisterous tone.

That competitor is none other than HTC. The Taiwanese manufacturer had a lot to say during Samsung’s Galaxy S4 press conference — the Twitter stream is actually a bit more entertaining of a read than the press conference was — but one tweet in particular caught our eye. HTC thinks the Samsung Galaxy S4 will be the “next big flop,” as it adorned the launch with a hashtag saying as much.

We obviously don’t expect competitors to shower gifts of praise and love over each other, but it’s not everyday a competitor comes with this sort of blow to the gut. Would you agree with HTC’s assessment or should the OEM just keep its focus on delivering the as-yet released HTC One?

[via Twitter]

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