Tamagotchi returns with Android app to celebrate 16th birthday

It’s hard to believe that it was 16 years ago that virtual pet craze Tamagotchi swept across the globe, taking the innocence of youth with it as children spent hours feeding their own digital creature, cleaning up its poop, and eventually watching its soul depart from the small black-and-white display. Now, thanks to the newly released Tamagotchi L.I.F.E. from Namco Bandai, we can relive the experience all over again.

The free app recreates the original game, right down to the pixelated pets that populated the egg-shaped keychain. New features include color animations, a collection showcasing all of your Tamagotchi successes and failures, and of course social sharing of pet raising achievements. As the tagline states, “It’s just like the virtual pet you loved, but better!”

Tamagotchi L.I.F.E. is an excuse to take a trip down memory lane for Android users that experienced the game as a child, but it’s also a new generation’s chance to become obsessed with the virtual life of a pet trapped within the confines of its screen. Grab it from Google Play now.

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[via Gizmodo]


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