
Verizon ranked 1st in JD Power’s customer care survey four consecutive times, while T-Mobile tanks below average

The usual feeling is that the smaller carriers have the best customer care ratings and the bigger carriers don’t quite stack up, but that trend seems to have been turned upside down in the past year or two. JD Power has released yet another customer care survey report, where it cultivates data from thousands of users in order to see which carriers provide the best support experience.

Verizon ranked first in the race for a fourth consecutive time, giving the carrier a nice, round number to push in its advertising. Big Red credits the strides it’s made with its full-time social networking team. They monitor the likes of Facebook and Twitter to seek those with issues and help resolve them, going as far as extending conversations via direct messaging or by initiating a phone call if need be.

AT&T was ranked second in the survey with a few points above average. Sprint was third as the Now Network ranked below average by 9 points. Finally, way on the bottom of the totem pole is T-Mobile, who ranked a whopping 40 points below average. Once upon a time T-Mobile had the luxury of boasting about having some of the best customer service around, but if this survey is anything to go by then the carrier has a bit to worry about.

We’re sure not everyone has a horror story to tell in this regard, but we’d love to hear it from you — is Magenta really that bad these days, or do these survey results not tell the whole story? Let us know how your recent calls into T-Mobile’s customer care department have gone in the comments section below.

PS: In case you were wondering, Virgin Mobile and MetroPCS topped the list of customer care rankings for non-contract carriers, while the folks at Straight Talk and Cricket find themselves toward the bottom this go-around. Take a look at more of those numbers below.

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