
Rogers HTC One X gets Android 4.1.1


Our friends with the HTC One X on Rogers will be happy to know that an upgrade is available for your device. And no, it’s not your typical run-of-the-mill maintenance mumbo-jumbo — this is Jelly Bean, folks. You’re getting Android 4.1.1, to be precise, and while we’d love some form of Android 4.2 we can’t be terribly mad.

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This is one hefty little sucker coming in at over 630MB, so you’ll definitely want to be on WiFi whenever you’re notified to receive it. HTC cheekily reminds us that “this may take some time.” Considering this is probably one of the biggest OTA updates in HTC history, then yea, I’d bet it will.

Of course, if you haven’t received that glorious notification and don’t feel like waiting for it to popup you can always try to force it. You can head to the Settings > About Phone menu to force a check, and should you get lucky you’ll be basking in chewy Jelly Bean goodness in no time. Oh, and be sure your battery is charged up to at least 50% or more just to be safe. Have at it!

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Wtf is JellyBean that u nerds keep talking about?

    1. why do u even bother posting such stupid comments on a tech site?

      1. To rile people like u up, I think it’s working.

        1. jusstt wallkk awaayy just walk away…..

  2. Hurry the hell up at&t!!!!

    1. Maybe they think you will buy an HTC One X+ if they wait

  3. toomuchleadpaint…as a child?

  4. Can’t wait until Jellybean CleanRom Dev comes out.

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