Android Overload: Sony Xperia Z coming to CES 2013, 50% off sale on Hyperdevbox games, and more
Chris Chavez
The Android Overload is where we stash all of the stories/articles/news bits that didn’t make it onto our front page from throughout the day. But just because they weren’t featured, doesn’t mean they aren’t worth taking a look at. In fact, there’s almost always a little something here for everyone. So, take a look around and let us know if you find anything of interest.
Hyperdevbox Studio discounts $14 strategy RPG’s to $7 – That’s half off! [Google Play]
17.4 million iOS and Android devices activated on Christmas. Smashes previous record. [Flurry]
Sony Xperia Z to be unveiled at CES 2013. Top of the line specs, 5-inch 1080p display. [ePrice]