
Samsung Galaxy S3 mainboard failure leading to dead devices?

A bit of a stir has arisen over on Reddit and XDA about a potentially bad situation for Samsung and owners of their Galaxy S3. A small but vocal group of people are reporting that their Galaxy handsets are experiencing a catastrophic mainboard failure that has resulted in several GS3-shaped paperweights.

Users are reporting random device failure after 150-200 days of use, regardless of whether the handset is stock or has been rooted with custom software. Samsung is replacing all handsets experiencing the issue under warranty, though there has been no revision to the hardware. This has led some to worry the problem will simply reoccur after another hundred days or so.

Compared to the millions of Galaxy S3 handset sold, the number experiencing the issue is minuscule, likely not enough to cause Samsung to revamp their hardware build. But if you have experienced a similar issue, know you are not alone. So let’s not everyone freak out. The world isn’t ending and your Galaxy S3 will be just fine.

[via PocketNow]

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