
Last minute gift idea? Try this New Trent 7,000mAh portable battery charger for $42


Alright, it’s crunch time, folks. Christmas is fast approaching and unless you want to be stuck in a smelly ‘ol line at Walmart this weekend, why not do some last minute shopping from the comfort of your home? While you still can.

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Today is pretty much the last day you can make an order from Amazon Prime and have something delivered in time for Christmas (Christmas Eve, actually). So what should you get for that special little Android in your life? Well, here’s something every Phandroid needs in their arsenal: a portable external battery charger. Okay, while not entirely profound, here’s why.

Chances are, your quad-core phone eats up your batter faster than Honey Boo Boo at a Hometown Buffet. And with the current trend of phones releasing without removable batteries, you’re only hope to keep your device charged is one of these bad boys. But, while you can find a portable battery charger just about anywhere — there are some factors to keep a look out for:

  1. Look for a charger with 1A or above output
  2. Just because the mAh’s are double your smartphone’s, doesn’t mean it’ll charge your device twice.
  3. The more slots, the better (sharing is caring).
  4. Look for a portable battery pack/charger that can be charged using a standard smartphone micros USB cable.

This things being considered, I’ve already done the work for you. Check out this New Trent external battery pack/charger for Android and even iOS devices. This puppy features dual USB ports — one outputting at 1A, while the other outputs at 2.1A (perfect for a tablet or Galaxy Note 2). Also, if you’re traveling solo, it’s got a built in micro USB cable, so you wont have to bother lugging your around. Again, the best part of this charger is that you can be at a party, friends house, or even on your couch watching the game — all while keeping your device fully charged and within arm’s reach. No more leaving your phone on the kitchen counter, wondering if you should get up and check that text message. It’s like having a wall outlet with you at all times. Beautiful.

I’m currently a happy customer of their previous model and use it almost every day. 7,000 mAh gives me about 3 charges (but not a charge more), and I make sure I never leave home with out it. This will become your Nexus 4’s best friend. Best part is the price, at $42, it’s one of the cheapest — yet highest quality — chargers on the market. Order it in the next 20 hours with Amazon Prime, and it’ll arrive by Monday. Just in the nick of time.

[New Trent NT70T $42 on Amazon]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. I have the New Trent iCarrier 12,000mah that I highly recommend. I paid $55 while it was on sale at Amazon. It’s currently $76 which is still worth it. It has 2 usb ports 1A and 2A. Keeps a charge and with 12,000 mah you can charge multiple devices on 1 charge.

    1. Yeah, the reason I like the 7,000mAh is because it’s still nice and slim, while still providing multiple charges. Sometimes I just carry it in my jacket pocket while charging my phone in my other pocket (in emergencies).

      1. Very good point. The 12,000mah would certainly not fit in a jacket pocket.

        1. Yup, yup. I keep my phone in my front pocket, connected to the my charger in my back pocket with a short USB cord in between.

          It’s like a super nerdy wallet chain :p

    1. I’m so mad!! I got one last fathers day for $25. It’s a 5000mA.

    2. Not bad but bulkier/heavier than I’d like. I like the 7,000 cuz it’s slim and I can get 3 full charges out of it (more than I need in a day).

      Have to admit, the price on that one is nice, but I’d have to keep it in my computer bag the whole time.

  2. Ooo!! Again!? I remember someone posting about the fathers day sale. I got the 5000mA for $25. But I’m glad I got it. My E4GT was having that battery issue and it wouldn’t hold a charge. Guess what was my battery for about a week while I waited for my replacement battery? LoL!!

    But this is awesome!! And seeing in the comments about a 12,000mA for $50. My gosh!! I’m so mad!! LoL!! Oh well. I “may” pick one up next chance I get. My Nexus 7 can last all day with what I do with it, so I’m find with that. I just use it for my phone. I only charge the battery charger once every 2 days, and that’s if I use it.

  3. Does anyone know if there is a reason not to charge a phone in the 2A usb slot typically used for tablets? I couldn’t find anything in the manual.

    1. You can do it, but generally the phone’s software will prevent it charging at anything higher than 1A.

      Not sure if it’s placebo, but when I use my Samsung USB cable in the 2A slot to charge my Galaxy S3, I can get a full charge in about 45 minutes.

  4. this is awesome!!

  5. purchased..thanks!

  6. I have something similar for a lot cheaper. I purchased it on monoprice. I used it with my HTC one S while on vacation in San FranciscoExternal Battery Pack and Charger for iPad®, iPhone®, iPod®, and other USB Mobile Devices (5000mAh) – Black

    Product ID: 9283

    And it was only $28 :-)

    1. 2,000mAh less, but yeah. Not bad :)

  7. Or buy extra batteries……..

  8. strapping this on the back of my gnex with a rubberband

  9. I got one! Thanks for the info!

  10. Saw this in the morning on the way to work and was like oh yeah baby. Will be here on Monday. Thank you Mr. Chavez.

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