
Samsung Galaxy S, Galaxy S3 get CyanogenMod 10.1 nightlies

More devices are in line to receive CyanogenMod 10.1 — aka the Android 4.2 build — as the team has started to push nightlies for some newly confirmed ones. Today’s lucky devices are the Samsung Galaxy S (yes, the original) and the Samsung Galaxy S3.

It’s quite remarkable that the original Samsung Galaxy S is still getting the kind of support it’s receiving from CyanogenMod, and the development community as a whole. I shouldn’t be too surprised as people were still trying to get Ice Cream Sandwich up and going on the trusty G1 last I checked, but it’s still nice to know how dedicated the community is to supporting our devices far beyond what OEMs and carriers typically do.

The Samsung Galaxy S3 isn’t as surprising (in fact, it’s not surprising at all) considering there has been support for this device since it dropped this past summer. I should note that the supported devices are currently limited to the T-Mobile and AT&T variants, but others should be in line for it in due time. Android 4.2 Jelly Bean features some great new enhancements over the original Jelly Bean build, such as Photos Sphere support, the toggles in the notifications pane, profiles, home-screen widgets and more.

You’ll want to head here for the nightly downloads, but remember that these builds are to be considered experimental — none are guaranteed to work 100% correctly, and the CyanogenMod team doesn’t like it when you complain about stuff. They generally only accept bug reports for release candidates and stable builds so you’ll have to wait on those if you end up running into any. That said, if you understand the nature of nightlies and you want to flash anyway then head to the source link and get on with it.

[via IntoMobile]

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