Are you having problems buying apps from the Play Store? [POLL]

Late last night, Gameloft released Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour for Android. All was well in the world… that is, until the highly anticipated first person shooting game was eventually pulled. Folks were experiencing download issues in the Play Store, apparently. It turns out most were met with error “941.”

Well, it looks like that problem might not have been exclusive to Gameloft. Nova Launcher’s developer reached out to us to let us know that users of his app have had trouble purchasing it, as well. He apparently received numerous emails from customers complaining about error 941 last night.

Despite initial errors it seems those downloads resumed early this morning without fail. Early indications are that the problem has been cleared up — the emails to Nova Launcher have subsided and I personally didn’t have a problem trying to purchase a paid app prior to writing this article — but we’re curious to know if a few of you experienced this with trying to download other paid apps in recent hours.

If error 941 was, in fact, the main cause for Gameloft’s Modern Combat 4 woes and the issue has been resolved on Google’s end then it’s possible we could see the title relaunched as early as today. In the meantime, though, we’re just interested in knowing how many of you might have experienced this problem, and if it’s still going on.

Be sure to leave a vote in the poll below, and comment with any more information you might have that could help us figure out just how widespread this issue turned out to be. Also, if you happen to be experiencing issues don’t forget to get in contact with Google using one of several options at their support site — no one wants to pay for something they can’t use, after all.

[polldaddy poll=6760696]

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