Android 4.2 AOSP keyboard with Gesture Typing now available for free in the Google Play Store

Good news for those wanting to get a taste of Android 4.2’s all new Gesture Typing keyboard. Developer Honso has just uploaded a fully functioning version of the AOSP keyboard you’ve been dying to get your thumbs on. The Swype (and soon, SwifKey) challenger works great with Google’s new swipe function, allowing you to use either gestures or traditional tap-to-type method.

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Keep in mind this is ICS and Jelly Bean only (for now). If you’re the Play Store link is showing your ICS device as incompatible, hang in there as the app is fresh off the Play Store. The dev also mentioned he’s attempting to backport the keyboard all the way back to Gingerbread which is good news.

UPDATE: Looks like there was an update pushed out just moments ago that added greater device compatibility for ICS devices. If you’re having issues, drop the dev an email.

Thanks, Shaydlife!

[Play Store Link]

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