With the launch of the Nexus 4 only a few short hours away, many of those with “legacy” Galaxy Nexuses are wondering just when they can expect Android 4.2 Jelly Bean to begin rolling out onto their devices. The good news is… right now. Well, for some of you anyway. As one lucky user reported on his Google+ page, it looks like “Google On The Spot,” wasted no time in bringing his Galaxy Nexus the most up-to-date version of the Android. You’ll notice some new features rarely talked about like the magnification gestures. Apparently, this user lives in Canada and is running on stock Takju (the unlocked GSM Galaxy Nexus purchased from the Play Store). Of course, those of you on Sprint or Verizon Wireless have a little more waiting to do. If it hasn’t rolled out to your Takju running Galaxy Nexus, you can manually download straight from Google here.
Thanks, Emeraldislxnd!
I have Verizon, i’m sure ill get the update sometime in the spring
I think if you install this stock rom you wouldn’t lose your warranty
He needs to wait for a different build though. The CDMA/LTE version :(
Spring of 2014!
The story of our big red lives.
for poops and giggles I just tried to update my nexus 7… no dice…
Enjoying Jellybean on my note 2. Muwahahaha.
Kewl! Congratulations! Jellybean is wonderful! You’ll probably love 4.2 if/when your Note 2 gets it.
Hahaha exactly what I was thinking.
I’m replacing my gnex with note 2 don’t really care if I get 4.2
4.1 jelly…we on that jelly bean 4.2 son…get ya weight up not ya hate up…
Yeah, jelly bean 4.1….
Any news on updates for the yakju version?
“If it hasn’t rolled out to your Takju running Galaxy Nexus, you can manually download” ?? Download and thats it? No special instructions or anything similar?? I have the takju version but this seems way too easy lol Thanks in advance…..in the meantime I’ll hit the update button every 2 secs haha
Google is your friend. :-)
I know, but you guys are a LOT friendlier :)
LoL!! To manually install a new ROM, you have to have a custom recovery. I think there is a Rootkit for the Galaxy Nexus that will temp Root your phone and put Clockwork Mod on their temporarily and you can just update it from there.
You’d have to do more reading on XDA, though. They’re just as friendly.
the apparent remedy in addition to doing the Check Now, is go to Settings -> Apps -> All -> Google Services Framework… force stop on that and clear data, then try Check Now again. And repeat til you’re blue in the face.
I’ve had mixed results doing that… it definitely logs you out of GTalk and resets the notification sounds/vibration for that, at the very least.
you can also try the good old fashioned *#*#checkin#*#*
I got excited for a moment and then remembered I have Verizon .. so yeah spring sounds right on target . Unless they decide to give us a nice Xmas gift or early Xmas gift (highly doubt it tho ) wamp wamp wamp
Nothing arrived on my UK gnex but hopefully any day now.
Can’t wait for the flood of custom ROMs.
I’m going to try a custom rom and If this doesn’t fix the gps glitch in my verizon gnex (that was created with the jellybean update), I’m paying my early termination fee, selling my gnex, switchint to t-mobile’s $30/month plan and getting the nexus 4.
You can download the GALAXY Nexus Android 4.2 Update also manually and install it manually, don’t wait for OTA Update!
meh, it’ll come. I enjoy getting updates quickly, but I don’t need to go out and force it to happen. that’s the beauty of Nexus.
Will this work on yakju model?
Please sign petition I started
Very optimistic… more like never
I have a Sprint GNex and that is the reason I am selling it…
I get a radio error when trying to sideload it, currently working with takju JZO54K – Anyone else having problems?
4.2 OTA on my Gnex
My Nexus 7 just got the update!
I just got the 4.2 update by doing the Clearing Google Services Framework trick.
Settings>Apps>Google Services Framework
Force Stop, Clear Date
Check for Update.
Good Luck
My Nexus 7 is currently updating.
Yup, my Nexus 7 updated a few hours ago.
My Transformer Prime also hot am update, but want 4.2. :/
I just received the update of 4.2 on my Galaxy Nexus. But here’s a question. Is anyone having problems with the GPS? it’s constantly searching for a location on my phone and after rebooting my phone it kept doing it so I shut it down manually.
Anyone having problems with 4.2? My Galaxy Nexus received it yesterday and it’s quite buggy. The keyboard lags now and transitions just don’t go as smoothly as before. I also thought there would be pinch to zoom in gmail? That’s not working for me. There’s also a half second delay when pushing the power key to lock and unlock the phone. Should I factory reset?
hi … plz tell me the steps to preform a manual update after downloading the file from google