
Shopper discovers Nexus 10 on display at local Walmart


You gotta love Walmart. Not only are they the low priced leader, they always seem to let product slip out before its official street date. Take the Nexus 10 that — although not launching official until November 13th in the Google Play Store — was discovered by a late night shopper for sale at his local Walmart store. While he wasn’t able to purchase the tab (the source indicated that there wasn’t anybody around to help him), the fact that the Nexus 10 is on display, price tag and all, means there’s a good chance someone will walk out of the store with it. All it takes is one clueless employee to ring up a customer looking to get the jump on that official launch date. And with that, I’m off to my local Walmart in my jammies to see what I can dig up. Cheers.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

[SlickDeals via BriefMobile]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. I am glad Walmart is going to have this. I have a relative that works there so I can get 10% off!

    1. Nice!!!! Walmarts the sh*+ for having this in stock. May do some snooping around Walmart tonight myself to see what I can find out.

  2. I tried to buy a Nintendo Wii at wal-mart before release date. The regiister wouldn’t scan it as a saleable item so there’s a chance the register would have stopped this guy too no matter how naive the WM employee is.

    1. Yep, they’re onto us.

      1. The day before launch, wifi Xoom was ringing up at $10,000 — tried to get the clerk to sell it just before close of business, he said “naw, look what happens… BOOOM $10k” .. tried to get it the night before since they were only getting TWO … wtf Best Buy…

        came back the morning about an hour or two before opening to start a line… I had to push over an old lady but I got my precious… i mean, my ‘nexus’ GED tablet :p

  3. Of course there wasn’t an associate around to help him. Walmart sucks balls, come to Costco.

  4. It looks like that Samsung seal has been broken. Maybe it was a box for a demo unit only

  5. Our local WalMarts have gum-chewing clerks, employees who gang up and tell jokes instead of working and managers who know nothing about what’s going on in their store. I told an employee I had never seen conduct like that and she said, “Well, it sounds like you’ve never been anywhere, then.”

    1. What did you expect? They’re not paid enough to care.

      1. Lack of upbringing and education is the main reason – not pay scale. Subject: [phandroid] Re: Shopper discovers Nexus 10 on display at local Walmart

      2. The way they act I wouldn’t want to pay them much either. No matter how much I hate walmart I have to say they have a choice. Work hard and move into management, be lazy at the same posistin and pay forever, or work somewhere else.

    2. Don’t you know that Wal-Mart is the new place to meet new friends?

  6. Hopefully they carry all the sweet OEM docks and cases. Still no docks for the Nexus 7 and Galaxy Nexus . . . pshhh

    1. If you have the GSM Galaxy Nexus, there was a car dock. Google had sold it on the Play Store, but they don’t anymore.

      1. CDMA version :(

        1. The gsm car dock worked with the CDMA version with just a tiny bit of modification.

          I have it on my dash right now.

  7. don’t shop at this evil place.

  8. I think I’m going to wait for the HSPA+ version. What do you guys think? (Or LTE)

    1. Why wait, just tether

      1. I’m with Sprint. No 4G at all in my area =( Good idea for next year when I switch to Verizon though!

        1. Better yet, switch to a pre-paid plan. Save A LOT of money :)

        2. i already do this on my 7. tmobile+rooted s3=unlimited tether

  9. Chris, Any luck?

  10. what I dont get, why the heck did they block the barcode? What the heck was the online community going to do? It aint no Social security number or something..

    1. Wasn’t blocked originally…something must have made that happen… perhaps the SKU could have been used to order it early online or something.

  11. No problem with Walmart, got my Nexus 7 in the beginning of September and when the price dropped they refunded me the difference, can’t complain about that. They also cover cracked screen from drops if you have the protection package which is pretty cheap and covers more than most places. My sister dropped and broke her Nexus 7’s screen and got a new one within a couple of days.

    Any idea if they will be selling the Nexus 4 there?

    1. Yes we will be selling the Nexus 4, provided the carriers get around to sending them to us… I can tell you, however, that you’ll probably have to wait a couple days after launch and ask about your specific store. (FYI, my store still has yet to receive a Note II for any carrier, and we have only received 10 iPhone 5s in total.)

  12. We have one like that at my store its the display its part of the new mod. The label is on the shelf also.

  13. Does ASUS make the Nexus 10 too?

    1. Samsung

  14. You wear jammies? Dafuqqqqqqqq lol.

  15. I am pretty sure it is made by Samsung

  16. Please don’t buy electronics you use daily from Wal-Mart. Seriously, anywhere but Wal-Mart.

    1. I also know a dumb ass guy in high school that pissed in the pickles at a subway. Guess you’ll never eat there again either.

  17. Reminds me when I was able to walk into Sams club and picked up a Nexus 7 before all those who preordered got theirs….I will be checking mine this weekend

  18. WalMart = axis of evil!

  19. My local WalMart didn’t have it. All they had was the 16gb version on sale for $199. I will jump all over the Nexus 10 when it comes out. Been buying to much stuff lately, to make the wifey happy I might have to slap it on layaway for a month or so then get it out as my Christmas gift.

  20. I work for Wal-Mart in the Electronics/Connection Center and even if we wanted to, the registers will not let us sell anything before the release date. “Sale not allowed” is displayed on the register and not even a CSM or any form of management can override that sort of message.

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