The LG Intuition and QuickMemo Keep Your Life In Order and Express It In Fun New Ways [Sponsored]

With so many Android devices hitting the market nowadays, it’s rare you’ll find one that breaks away from the mold, introducing something truly unique. The LG Intuition for Verizon Wireless is just such a device and besides boasting a fully capable spec sheet — 1.5GHz dual-core Snapdragon processor, 8MP camera capable of recording 1080p full HD video, Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich along with NFC (perfect for Android Beam), Verizon Wireless 4G LTE connectivity — the Intuition features an industry first 5-inch XGA-IPS True HD display with unique 4:3 aspect ratio.

Now, while that may sound a little weird on paper (or look strange in pictures), it’s this unique aspect ratio that makes the LG Intuition the perfect device for browsing the web, reading books, or watching video, as well as jotting down quick notes. LG has conveniently baked their exclusive QuickMemo application right into the OS, allowing for easy and seamless taking and sharing of notes whether for work or play. Because QuickMemo works perfect with the human body’s built-in stylus — your finger — you’ll never have to worry about losing or fiddling around with a tiny stylus ever again. Oh, and the XGA-IPS display provides unmatched clarity and vibrant, true-to-life colors (none of that over-saturated stuff found on other devices). It really needs to be seen in person to be fully appreciated.

So, whether you’re a student on-the-move, a parent or business person on-the-go, the LG Intuition for Verizon Wireless is a bag full of tricks combining the screen real estate you love in a tablet, while keeping the portability of a smartphone. You can find pricing and more information on the LG Intuition by visiting

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