
Jelly Bean Update For HTC One X Coming In October, One X+ Launching Same Month [Rumor]


If you’re an HTC One X owner, you’ve no doubt been eagerly awaiting any word on the planned Android 4.1 Jelly Bean update for your device. Seems the man known as MoDaCo has gotten some valuable intel regarding the firmware update for the One X and, if all goes according to plan, it’s said that HTC will begin pushing out the update by October.

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Before you jump out of your seat, keep in mind this is only HTC’s update and will be subject to inspection from your local carrier before it can be approved for your device. Even then, the update will arrive for all devices — carrier branded or not — before Christmas time. In an extra bit of news, Mr. O’Brien also got word that October will also be the month we can expect the fabled HTC One X+ to launch and it will come preloaded with Jelly Bean out of the box. No update required. Let’s hope the One X+ makes it’s way to more carriers than just AT&T this time around.


Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. makes sense, CTIA is in october (no pun intended)

  2. If the One X+ has a bigger battery, I am sold. I have the current One X, and am a very heavy fiddler. Love the phone to death, but would kill for a 2,500 battery.

  3. I’m not happy with this timeline as the EVO LTE (HOX) came up months before the Samsung GS3 and yet almost completed releases of Jelly Bean have been pushed out weekly, sometimes daily. HTC really needed this update to stay competitive. If Samsung brings Jelly Bean to the masses before HTC then HTC is in serious trouble.

    HTC needs to build some momentum back that it lost (Since OG EVO released, etc) by releasing Jelly Bean first and getting their name out there. They could get tons of free press by getting Jelly Bean out ASAP! Every Android site on the net would have a stories on it and it would cause Samsung owners to take pause and wonder why they don’t have it yet. However if HTC is on the latter end of that arrangement and Samsung releases first then HTC doesn’t have a chance.

    In the US their phones are near identical but the Samsung ticks more boxes by having 2GB of RAM vs 1GB. They also have slightly bigger screen. HTC needs to do something to give them the upper-hand or they are in a lot of trouble.

    I think they might last one more cycle in the big leagues but after that they will either be bankrupt or known as a lowly manufacturer such as LG or ZTE. It’s really now or never for them. Come on HTC as I’m rooting for you!


    1. If LG has a hit like the Optimus G… then they wont suck any more. Anyone can make a comeback or fall out. I agree with you though, I want to see a bit more out of phones.

      1. Yup yup. The same was said about Samsung after the Behold II and OG Galaxy S.

        1. Chris! just got jelly bean on my vzw gnex!!! I’d tip you but I’m mobile. get on the story buddy!!!

    2. But jelly bean was announced the sane time for everyone, so for expecting HTC to be done with their jelly bean update before Samsung just because the Evo LTE came out before the S3 would be unfair. Although, I would love for my Evo LTE to get some jelly bean love really soon… here’s hoping for October!

  4. U.S. carriers will lag.

  5. Could the one x + be one of googles nexus devices this year?
    * drooool *

    1. God i hope not…

    2. Please NO.

    3. That would be sweet! It’s no secret that HTC has a superior build quality and uses better radios.

  6. I hate rumors…

  7. My body is ready…..

  8. The EVO will follow suit shortly as it is basically the One X variant plus or minus some details. No need to sweat all the BS about Samsung. There are only a fee devices truly on jelly bean and honestly its not a huge make over or update that differentiates it from ICS.

  9. Could the One V get Jelly Bean please. :)
    On Virgin Mobile of course.

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