
2 New Additions To Android Collectibles Series 03 Revealed: Say Hello To Barista Bot and Intergalactic


We’ve been following Dyzplastic’s Android Collectibles for awhile now. Recently, Andrew Bell n’ friends revealed some new additions that will be available in their upcoming Series 03 release. The newest additions to the Series 03 lineup are the Intergalactic and Barista Bot collectibles. Intergalactic was designed by artist “kaNO” and pays homage to the Beastie Boys video of the same name (RIP Adam Yauch). The Android is dressed up in the very same outfit from that legendary music video.

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The Barista Bot is of Andrew Bell’s design, and comes with his firsthand knowledge of working as a barista in his sister’s coffee shop. Have to say, this is probably my favorite design of Series 03 so far (big Andrew Bell fan).

If you’ve been keep tally, that now places the number for Series 03 collectibles at 6 out of 14 that have been made official. I honestly can’t wait to see the rest of the cleverly designed little fellas. Which of the 6 are your favorites so far?


Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Of the 6 revealed so far, my fav has to be the Nexus bot. Although I’m still a fan of the hexcode bot from the last series. My son and I both have the Noogler.

    Here’s the obligatory “1st” for the post.

    1. Wait- so you have 2 Nooglers then? Wanna trade? I have a whole box from series 1.

      If interested, email me:

  2. I…I want them all.

  3. Barista had to have an indication of waiting in iPhone line. “I need it, I’m creative”.

  4. I’m not huge on collectible anything, but I think Barrista Bot is awesome.

  5. I want the barista bot. I work for Starbucks; coffee and Android, what a great combination.

  6. I’m digging the Intergalactic one.

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