This iPhone 5 Parody Video Is Crass, Offensive and Right On The Mark [NSFW]

We’ve reached the wee-night hours here at Phandroid and before I bid you adieu, I thought I’d share with you a video I came across during my internet travels. If you’ve been anywhere near an internet connected device today, you’ve no doubt seen predictions, expectations, and hypothesis on what Apple could be unveiling for their latest iPhone release tomorrow morning.

While we don’t expect much from ‘ol Cupertino (we’re sure it wont be anything we haven’t already seen, or experienced with Android), the boys at Mondo Media have put together their “best case scenario” of what Apple will have to do in order to guarantee a successful announcement: hologram Steve Jobs.

If the title of this post wasn’t a good enough indication, let me warn you again: this video is not for the easily offended and is most definitely not suitable for work. For those that find amusement in television shows like South Park or Family Guy, please, continue. Notable quotes from the video include:

3Gizzle! That sh*t was a huge success
Then I sold a butt-load of the 3GizzleS
Number four, ‘nother score, jaws hittin’ the floor,
Y’all acted like you never seen a phone before

FANBOY: “Bullsh**! It’s the same phone as before!
JOBS: Not true! It’s got a new power cord.

We switched the dock up arbitrarily,
So I hope you like buyin’ new accessories.
See the new design- yeah it’s out-of-control
We went nuts and switched it up from black to charcoal {Say what?}

Plus the screen’s two millimeters taller
That’s gotta be worth at least four hundred dollars

I’ll ask you to keep it classy in comments, and please — don’t take anything personal. All in good (semi-tasteless) fun, right? Guess we’ll find out tomorrow if the iPhone 5 will be revolutionary, or will simply attempt to play catch up.

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