Seesmic acquired by Hootsuite, we cry

Seesmic was one of the first Twitter clients on Android to change the game, but as you know the game changed rapidly and developers must adapt. Unfortunately for Seesmic they never could. With stiff competition from tons of corporate-driven Twitter clients like Hootsuite, Tweetdeck and more, being as stagnant as they were wasn’t a good strategy to stay in the game.

The latter of those examples, Hootsuite, has acquired Seesmic in a deal for an undisclosed amount. Seesmic’s announcement appears to suggest that the service will soon be put to bed as a standalone offering. Instead, it looks like Hootsuite will integrate its staff and technology into its own operations and continue to be a top competitor in this tough space.

Initially, support for both products will continue, however we will soon be bringing everyone into one great platform. We’re working on ways to make the transition as smooth as possible so keep an eye out for updates.

But Hootsuite has blossomed into a great product that, like a fine wine, has only gotten better with time. And all of that rhymes. So fret not — despite our soft spot for Seesmic in our hearts, it was clear that they were struggling and this move will help a great product grow bigger than it already has. Give the Android app one last download for old times’ sake. [Seesmic]

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