Via.Me Now Available For Android – Lets You Easily Share Your Photos, Videos, and Sound Clips Across Social Networks

When Instagram first launched for Android, it wasn’t met with 100% enthusiasm within the Android community. If, for some reason, you found yourself loathing Instagram and her users, but were looking for something similar while at the same time a little more robust — Via.Me should make a nice alternative. Via.Me is a fairly new service focused on sharing, and combines elements from many of your favorite existing social networks and services into one handy application.

Think of it like Instagram only with the added options of sharing things like videos and sound clips, in addition to photos (yes, it even features hipster filters). Users don’t have to be stuck sharing their own content either. Posts from other users can easily be shared using the repost/retweet/reblog button and appear on your “Story Board” (also known as a profile page and strongly reminiscent of Pinterest). The app is well designed, and while it doesn’t have swipe-able pages, it does take a better stab at implementing Android’s Holo guidelines than Instagram.

Of course, a social network is only as good as the amount of your friends and family who are already up and using it. Still, Via.Me has a chance at becoming successful in that you can simply use the service (already integrated into a few Twitter apps) to simply upload and share your photos and sound bites, without ever having to open the app, or visit the website — another “feature” they have over Instagram. I’m willing to give it a shot, in the meantime if you’d like to add someone you know, you can find my profile here. See ya on the other side!

[Play Store | Via AndroidMixer]

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