
Galaxy S3 coming in four new colors soon


If you thought Samsung was going to come to market with two colors for the Galaxy S3 and no more, you obviously didn’t follow the Galaxy S2 line too closely. Samsung has announced the addition of two new colors for those who aren’t too satisfied with the current options of Pebble Blue and Marble White.

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You can look forward to “Amber Brown,” “Titanium Grey,”  “Sapphire Black,” and “Garnett Red” sometime soon. I’m a huge fan of that Sapphire Black, and with so many color options to choose from now no one should have any qualms about the way their phones look.

New colors are subject to carrier availability, of course, so you won’t be guaranteed to see all of these available for your carrier of choice right away, if ever. Keep your fingers crossed that your carrier gets the color you want, and be sure to take a look at all the great new colors above and below. [via Samsung Tomorrow]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. The brown one is horrible… Good luck selling that. The black one is nice and the grey is OK… Nothing beats the white one though.

    1. i actually would love a brown one :)

    2. it’s the fact that it’s horrible that makes me want it ;)

    3. Different strokes for different folks.

      Brown is actually my favorite earth-tone color. Natural.

      (easy to make the poopoo jokes, though, hurrr durrr)

      1. It looks like a Dove Bar. Chocolicious

  2. Why not just create detachable covers (front & back) if they’re going to come out with so many different colors. The back can be switched easily, anyways.

    1. They change the colour of the rim depending on the colour of the covers which makes sense !!

    2. the first galaxy had changeable back covers that came with the phone.

  3. Even if my carrier doesn’t get any other color options, I’m happy to see Samsung is providing more color options for customers. Something I wish more phone manufacturers would do.

    1. instead of black and white only,

      1. Now, if only they would release all the colors on day one so customers who use their upgrades would have a choice on day one.

        1. ^This!!

  4. Samsung are horrible at lying. The grey one is pretty nice although I stil think overall it’s ugly no matter what color they chose to paint it.

  5. If I were in the market, I’d get the brown one, just so it can match my brown Zune.

  6. they all look pretty sweet, can’t pick a favorite. toss up between black, red, or grey.

  7. I like the retro look of the brown, too. Very cool.

  8. Picked up a red one yesterday from AT&T. Looks really nice when compared to the blue or white!

    1. I did the same a week ago. Looks great with my Androidified case.

  9. The real question is if these come to Verizon will the unlock method still work?

  10. Titanium Grey looks hot!

    1. “You shoot me down, but I won’t fall. I am Titanium!!”

  11. Now stupid people can tell the the difference between an iCrap and the galaxy S3

    1. Nah, Apple already has pending patents on these colors. O.o

      1. Comeon man i thought people on PHANDROID knew better…..
        (U.S Patent 43034679: Apple universal trade patent for…….. THE VISIBLE SPECTRUM!!!!!)

    2. Not isheep. They think any phone with a screen must be an iPhone clone

  12. The brown one would be awesome with a green metal replacement back(brown trim instead of the white.) Grey also looks good too. Imagine a blue metal back on it.

  13. no thanks on the brown but the other colors are nice

  14. That grey one looks sexy. Might be time to sell the One X if AT&T gets that.

  15. The brown one looks better than I thought it would. My GS3 looks like the gray one since I have the Incipio Shine Feather case on it! Well it has blue accents, but still it looks pretty good.

  16. Interesting color names – almost surreal.

    The typical color of amber is bright orange-yellow (but it can be brown), sapphires are usually blue (but they can be other colors, including, occasionally, black), titanium is usually seen in oxide form, which is white, but pure, crystalline titanium is blue/grey, and garnets are normally honey-orange/brown, but can sometimes be red.

  17. I think I might pick up the grey one, and maybe even swap out the back cover with the white one for a nice 2 tone effect :D

  18. What is this??? My phone is no longer functioning???? I think its time to call my phone insurance people oh yesssss……. “And that replacement can I get it in Titanium Grey???” Why thank you lol ;)

  19. too many colors ruins a house! Same principle here!

  20. I really like the Titanium Grey and Sapphire Black options. Too bad I was an early adopter… I can’t help but feel punished. Now my fiance and myself both look on in envy at these colors that we couldn’t get for showing support right off the bat. I own four Samsung Android devices, and got a Samsung Galaxy S III for my fiance at launch as well. I also only ever buy Samsung TVs and appliances. I am also in sales and basically a walking advertisement for Samsung as my phone is out a lot and I’m always talking about how much I love it.

    This burns Samsung… it burns pretty bad. :(

  21. I like the gray one

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