
Toshiba Excite 10 Only $300 For A Limited Time – 10-Inch Display, Tegra 3 Processor, 1GB of RAM [Deals]


The Toshiba Excite 10 is quite a full featured Android tab where, like most 10-inchers, the only real downside was the price. You may remember our own Edgar Cervantes’ glowing review of the tablet a few months ago where he had mostly good things to say about the WiFi tab. Nvidia Tegra 3 processor, a full gig of RAM, Ice Cream Sandwich and great battery life were just a few of the notable specs. The Excite 10’s standout feature? It’s full sized SD card slot for easy uploading of your high-quality DSLR’s shots to Instagram.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

If you hurry, you can pick up a Toshiba Excite 10 from Costco where it’s currently been discounted to a very affordable $300 for the 16GB model, and $350 for the 32GB. Not bad at all considering that it fits in nicely with Android’s new “Nexus 7 pricing model” the world now expects from high-ish end tablets. And the Excite 10 even comes with a rear camera to boot.

Costco: Toshiba Excite 10 16GB | 32GB


[Via Talk Android]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. I’m so glad I recently sold my Acer A500.. I got over $300 for it and it’s only dual core! I’ll wait a year or so for an insane tablet for a cheap price

    1. But by then…. it wont be very insane O_o

      1. Yep, just like my mom. Now I better go to bed before the monsters come out

  2. Very good tablet.
    Backlight bleed issues aside, the thing kicks ass.

  3. If it was almost any other company I would pick this tablet up. But toshiba scares me too much with their electronics to pull the trigger on this deal.

  4. Ive got the excite 10 16Gb version and its run me great. BUT….IT is not Unlockable, Toshiba refuses to open up the bootloader. A temporary root method can be achieved as long as you do not use the System update available when you first turn it on. permanent root out the question.. choose wisely! my development heavy friends

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