
Ice Cream Sandwich update commences for HTC Rezound [Update: Official documentation posted]

Update: Verizon has posted the official changelog for the update, including an overview of new features found in the move to Android 4.0 such as Face Unlock and multitasking. The documentation can be found at VZW’s support site.

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Just as Rezound owners started to believe they might never see the promised update to Android 4.0, some good news comes our way. Reports from around the web say Ice Cream Sandwich is finally rolling out to the Verizon handset, and not a moment too soon. The update brings the phone to Android 4.0.3, Sense 3.6, and software version 3.14.605.12. Given the jump from an Android 2.0 base to Android 4.0, numerous changes can be expected.

The update is rolling out on a staggered basis. Some are having luck pulling it via the setting menu, while others are still awaiting their taste of Ice Cream Sandwich. Let us know when you receive yours!

[Twitter via AndroidForums | Thanks, NightAngel79]

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