
Strategy Analytics: Android market share drops to 56% in the US in Q2

Strategy Analytics released some new numbers today regarding smartphone market share in the United States. In Q2 2012, Android market share ended up at 56%. This is four points less than what they did in the same quarter 2011. Meanwhile, their biggest competition – iOS – actually gained 10% this quarter compared to the same quarter a year ago.

They now command 33% of the market share. SA’s Neil Mawston says it’s clear Google is nearing its peak in market share, and while these numbers can’t be indicative of a forthcoming free fall from space it’s alarming to know just how much Apple has shot back up.

In all, smartphone shipments didn’t do so well as they fell 5%. 24 million smartphone units were sold in all. Android’s 56% is still a pretty big share of the pie, but with Apple’s yearly iPhone release coming up in the 4th quarter of this year we can’t say we’d be surprised if their market share didn’t suffer just a bit more by the time 2013 rolls around. We’ll definitely keep our eyes on this one. [PCMag]

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