One of the best ways to keep up-to-date with the Olympics is this Guardian website

Not exactly Android news, but something I feel is worth sharing anyway. If you’re looking for some of the best ways to stay updated with the buzz coming from #London2012, I highly suggest the Guardian’s newly-launched Second Screen. The website is optimized for touchscreen devices, and provides some great information via the Guardian’s own network and a hand-picked set of bloggers and photographers.
While I am a big sports fan, and am most definitely excited about the Games, I must admit there are very few events that I would actually want to see on TV. The Second Screen proved a great filler, with an excellent way to filter through the content I want to see. For example, the bar graph that you see in the screen shot indicates the level of buzz being generated on Twitter. It can be used to see when something exciting is or was happening.

That little peak you see slightly before 20:30 (my local time in India) was when a huge upset occurred in the Men’s bicycling road race event, when the British who some expected to canter to a gold medal, failed to pick up any.

Also, in a nod towards Android’s action bar design strategy, the site provides additional filtering options in the top bar when space permits. The filter option can be used to turn on or off updates from the Guardian’s network, Twitter, photographers and the medal count.

There are a few bugs, as this second screenshot shows as I viewed the latest standings table which was probably caused by the lack of width on my phone. But, on the whole, the Guardian’s use of technology continues to impress me. They are by far my favorite traditional media outlet, and probably the only one I hold in high regard.

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