
Sony refusing to fix hardware issues on bootloader-unlocked devices?

It looks like Sony has taken a rather odd stance when it comes to honoring device warranties. Reports are flying in claiming Sony is refusing to repair devices with hardware issues that have been bootloader unlocked.

It’s not illegal, of course, but it’s not a usual practice. It’s especially weird to know that Sony’s not opposed to doing this considering they were one of the first OEMs to allow their users to unlock their phones’ bootloaders.

For software issues, sure: an unlocked bootloader means anything could have happened to the device. But when you start refusing to repair hardware because of obvious hardware defects it gets a little bit ridiculous.

It’s an unfortunate situation, but Sony’s in charge of their own morals with this one because they offer disclaimers of voided warranties on their very own official unlocking tool.

Their disclaimer doesn’t lay out any clear terms for voiding a warranty, though, and there’s an arguing point to be had there, but we’re not sure how much leverage the user has.

The only thing we can hope for is that they change their stance from sheer good will and love for their consumers. [via Xperia Blog]

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