
Weekend Poll: Are you using Spotify after a year of its launch?

Spotify quickly filled the internet after its availability brought unlimited music to the US. Suddenly, all our friends and their moms (literally) were sharing their playlists away and signing up for the company’s premium services. Spotify continues to grow, but I can’t help but feel like the hype has gone down.

E-mails about my friends joining spotify used to flood my inbox. Now, I probably get an e-mail per month or so. This could mean one of two things: either I am losing my social skills and have no new friends (all current friends already have it), or Spotify is simply no longer as popular as it used to be.

Personally, the service treated me very nice when I joined. $10 a month would give me unlimited music for all my mobile devices and computers. And it must be said that is a huge advantage, as one switches devices very frequently in working as a tech blogger.

Google Music’s November launch made me reconsider my options, though. I had been noticing I constantly listened to pretty much the same songs every day. Many of which I already had in my computer. After a few calculations, I noticed it would be more convenient for me to purchase the few new songs or album I listen to per month. This marked the beginning of a beautiful and long-term relationship with lovely Google Music (now Google Play Music).

A year has passed by and the service continues to thrive, but I am wondering just how many of you stuck around, or joined Spotify. My experience might have been completely personal and isolated. Music junkies surely listen to new songs and artists often, making Spotify a rather convenient subscription service.

This leads us to the next question: do you prefer other streaming services or is Spotify about the best for you? Join our discussion in the comment section below and participate in the poll!

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