
Google rakes in $12.21 billion for Q2’12

Just minutes shy of their investors’ call for Q2’12 Google announced it made $12.21 billion in the second quarter of this year (that’d be the three month period ending June 30th).

Their new-found ownership of Motorola brought in $1.25 billion of that with their “hardware and other” category, $843 million of which came from their mobile devices division.

That figure is a 35% improvement over the same quarter a year ago, and 50% quarter-over-quarter. GAAP net income and non-GAAP net income for 2012 was $2.79 billion and $3.35 billion, respectively.

This is a slight improvement over the same quarter a year ago. It’ll be a very interesting third quarter for Google as they get a full round with Motorola and make strides in searches, social networking, and Android. Head here for their full financial results.

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