
Nexus 7 now shipping to the UK, too


With folks in North America beginning to receive shipments of the Nexus 7 tablet, it’s only right that our friends across the pond receive it as well. Folks in the UK are beginning to receive shipment confirmations from the Google Play Store.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

We’re glad to see they will be getting the tablet right around the same time considering there were rumors it wouldn’t arrive for another few weeks. The device was announced at Google I/O  and quickly turned heads with the device as it packed some serious hardware (1GB of RAM, Tegra 3 processor, 7 inch display, NFC, and more) starting at just $200.

For that price we’re sure a few of you wouldn’t mind putting up with the storage limitations (8GB or 16GB with no expansion options) to get the most capable 7 inch tablet on the market right now. If you want to order one for yourself be sure to give it a good look at the Google Play Store. []

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Finally, now i just need to wait for my confirmation.

  2. Mine has been shipped out too! (Australia)

  3. Quentyn apparently you are unaware that you can expand the storage by hooking up thumb drives and external HDD to the Nexus 7 via a usb – Micro/mini usb cable or via a short dongle. So yeah you are able to expand the storage on this device.

    1. USB OTG has reportedly been disabled by google on the Nexus 7 (i/o versions at least). I’ll check when I get mine in a few hours.. (though the confirmation is probably already on xda). if so, another reason to root

  4. Forget this garbage Google, finish shipping your damn US orders first. I’ve been pre-ordered since June 28th! I still haven’t been charged or received any sort of shipping notification.

    1. So have I, what makes you so special?

    2. Lol so because you’re american you think you have a greater entitlement? Think a lot of yourself do you? Silly billy!

  5. I’m in the US, pre ordered mine July 3rd and havent heard anything. This is getting kind of rediculous. Never again will I order a device from the google play store.

    1. I hear you man. Pre Ordered on 6 July 2012. Have absolutely NOTHING as to the status of my order. No charge. Just the original email stating i made the blasted order. Epic fail launch is epic.

  6. I ordered on the 28th too and I haven’t heard squat… It’s clear Google doesn’t know how to operate a business with physical products! Apple would never do this to their customers.

  7. Hmm I’ve been looking all over the forums no one has confirmation? who says they have confirmation? X

  8. Ordered on the 27th during the keynote and still no notification if shipping

  9. I pre-ordered on July 12th from Play Store and it was delivered this morning. Overnight on top of that. Something must be up with processing.

    1. are you in the UK yeah? I’ve seen a couple of people say they have it but didn’t get told, but surly your card must have been charged?

      1. Not in UK. Card was charged last night, delivered this morning. Tracking showed it sent next day from Louisville

  10. I’m a little biffed after seeing my tab show up at ups on the 11th and yet it supposed to arrive today. That’s a long 2nd day delivery. Definitely not what I was required to pay for.

  11. So getting this next month. Maybe i will throw in a Galaxy Nexus with ot despite having a GSII

  12. Ordered on the 27th, with the case; finally got a tracking email last night, already out for delivery this morning. It must have been with UPS long before I got the tracking email.

    1. You got a case from the UK Play store? Always said coming soon when I looked.

      1. No, the U.S. Play store.

  13. UK google play order, i just got a shipping email.

    1. did u order the 8gb or 16 and when did you order it? Ta!

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