Google Play Store continues to get better, even more content and features

The Google Play Store is young when it comes to content, aside apps (which there are plenty of). Competitors have more music, more books and more movies. This is something Google is trying to change, and it is one of the main focuses here at Google IO. We are seeing a flurry of announcements and improvements to the Google Play Store, making it just a tad better.

Google announced a few improvements. Among the first are the fact that there are now 4 million books available, which Google claims to be more than any E-book provider. Also, video content has improved with Disney, Sony, Paramount, Universal, and more, becoming new partners to the Google Play Store. It will also come as good news that one can now purchase movies and shows, one was only able to rent them until now.

The Search Giant also had a few magazine partnerships to announce at its developer conference. These include Esquire, Wired and Family Circle. And one can also sign up for 14 day trials, ensuring that you will not regret any of your purchases.

Content is not the only thing improved at Google IO, though. We have also been introduced to “smart app updates.” This new feature allows you to download only the new parts of an app, as opposed to downloading the whole app every time an update comes. (Only available for Android 2.3+). It will save time and megabytes, which are precious for tiered data plan subscribers.

With all these improvements, new content, apps coming in constantly and 1 million Android activations per day, the Google Play Store is sure to keep growing strong. In fact, Google also announced that it has had over 20 billion app installs, and there are now over 600,000 apps and games available for Android.

We are getting more details straight from the top dogs at Google, so stay tuned! We will be having some of the most awesome announcements of the year.

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